The first day of 1st Grade:
I had a wonderful day, I think the kids had a pretty great day, too!
21 students on roll - 17 present.
And they ALL got home by the correct form of transportation - hallelujah!
As the students came in to the classroom, after eating breakfast, I had them complete an "About Me" sheet that is now on the wall where they are to hang their backpacks each morning. We had our Morning Meeting on the carpet, which included singing our "Good Morning" song, discussing the Helper Chart, discussing the calendar and weather, singing our "Days of the Week," "Months of the Year," and "Four Seasons" songs, reciting our alphabet letters and sounds, and counting to 100! I then read The Night Before First Grade by Natasha Wing, which was a great starter story.
As a class we discussed classroom and school rules, and then we went for a walk around the school. After our walk, we got ready for lunch (which is at 10:45am). The classroom teachers are allowed to sit at a table together during lunch while our teacher assistant's monitor our class in the cafeteria - which, by the way, is SO wonderful! By the time lunch came, I was ready for a nap!
After lunch and a restroom break, we had a bit of Quiet Time, where naps were encouraged. :)
Surprisingly, all but 4 of my kids took a nap!
After Quiet Time, we all went to the carpet and played some ice-breaker games:
'Hello, My Name Is' - Say your name, your birthday, and your favorite food; Simon Says; and Hot Potato. The kids really enjoyed this part of the day!
--We had our first language lesson today during our game time, too: One of the student's' favorite food is shrimp, so we learned how to correctly say the word "shrimp". There is no /k/ or /c/ sound within in the word /shrimp/.--
At 1:25pm my kids go to Resource, or Activity. I was so prepared and had my class lined up and ready to be there on time. We walked down the hall like big 1st graders right into the Library. Well, after I had time to use the restroom, I heard my kids calling my name down the hall....panic, right?! Turns out, I had in my head ALL DAY long today that it was Monday and we go to Library on Monday's and Friday's. Too bad it's really Thursday, and we go to P.E. on Thursday's. HA! My kids laughed and laughed because "Miss Lemons' is loosing her mind...." Yay me.
The kids have Resource/Activity time until 2:20pm - and during that time the 1st grade teachers met and discussed our first day, our schedule for tomorrow, and a daily schedule for us to go by once we get into a set routine. It was so nice to have a few minutes with my teacher friends!
After Resource time, we played Letter Recognition Bingo until time to go home. I had the students return to the carpet for one last book before collecting backpacks.
"Please raise your hand if you had a good first day of 1st grade." - me
17 students raised their hands.
"Please raise your hand if you are excited about 1st grade." - me
17 students raised their hands.
"Please raise your hand if you are happy to be in Ms. Leming's class." - me
17 students raised their hands!!!
Overall, today was successful. I am so happy with where I am, with my Assistant Teacher, with my other 1st grade teachers, with my Administrators, and with my students.
I think it's going to be a really great year!
I am exhausted...
P.S. - I took a class picture of our first day of 1st grade, but will not post it on here due to privacy restrictions. Just thought you would like to know that I, of course, took a picture to document. :)
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