Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chapter 18: Celebrations!

So, I have not done a good job of keeping you updated on 1st grade happenings.  Although I really enjoy blogging, I am finding it difficult to make time for myself to write!  I promise to make you laugh, and maybe cry, in this post.  And I promise to keep you updated more frequently.  Count on it.

We have been learning A LOT in 1st grade:
-pronouns & possessive pronouns
-irregular verbs - past, present, and future tenses
-counting money
-telling time
-measurement (inches & centimeters)
-writing paragraphs
-classifying solids
-disciplining hurts the teacher's feelings, too...

It happened....I had to paddle my first child.  :(
I know, let's not really talk about it.  I just need you to know that it hurt my feelings more than it hurt hers.
I really didn't enjoy it, and I really don't care to do it again...

We celebrated our 100th Day of School - and had lots of fun!
We wrote about:
"I would like 100...", "I would not like 100...", "I would buy 100...", "I would not buy 100..."
"If I had 100 dollars, I would buy..."
"100 words we have learned in 1st Grade"
"100 Nouns" & "100 Verbs"  (group projects - see pics!)
"What I will look like when I am 100 years old!" - oh, boy!

Here are some pics of our 100th Day Celebration:
As a whole class, we made "100 Collages" for Nouns & Verbs.  Each student was given a magazine and a pair of scissors, and they were instructed to cut out 5 nouns and 5 verbs.  It was so much fun watching them search for nouns and verbs and to hear them discussing things with their groups!  After they cut out, they would show me their items (a way for me to assess their learning) before they could paste them onto our posters.
One kid cut out the word "player".  I asked him if that was a noun or a verb.  He said "both."  Yay...
They all had so much fun with this project!

 Here are some pictures of "What I will look like when I am 100 years old!" drawings.

 check out the goatee!
 another goatee...
SO cute!

Valentine's Day was special for my 1st Graders!  I painted each of their handprints in the shape of a heart for them to take home.  And they each made a Valentine's card for someone they love.  They had to write at least 3 reasons why they love that person - which was sweet!  We had a little Valentine's Party, where they each got a happy from their Secret Pen Pal, a valentine from me, and a really cute valentine from Mr. Bojangles & Snoopy!
(It said: "Hoppy Valentine's Day" - "You are toadally special!"  xoxo, Mr. Bo & Snoopy)
I got lots of candy, no - I didn't eat it all, some sweet cards, and a really cool musical light up rose.  It was a great Valentine's Day!  :)

February is also when we celebrate Black History Month.  Each classroom selected a famous African American inventor to learn about during this month.  Our class studied Phillip B. Downing, inventor of the mailbox!  We made a display for the wall outside of our classroom so that everyone who passed by could learn about him, too.
Check it out:

Most recently, we celebrated President's Day.  I had each student write about "If I were the President, I would..."  The responses were not only hilarious, they were fantastic!  They really made me proud.
"I would giv speaches to the hole world."
"I would tell evryone to be nise to peeple and treat othrs the way they want to be treated."
"I would work hard, and pik up trash, and giv peepl money."
"I would love everyone.  Everyone loves the President, so I would love everyone, too."
"I would help the unit90 stat of Amarica be friends."

Finally, "Mih Lemon" celebrated a birthday!  The kids had SO much fun with my birthday!  They were so sweet.  My Assistant Teacher was so kind to have all of the students sign their names on a handmade card for me - something I will keep forever!  As they left school on Friday, they all said "have a Happy Birthday tomorrow, Mih Lemon. I love you!"  :)

Again, I apologize for the long overdue update.  We have lots of exciting things planned for the rest of this semester, which will be over before we know it, so you'll want to stay tuned!

We have 10 school days until Spring Break!  Woohoo!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 17: We're Back!

Hello 2012!  
1st Grade is back - and we are moving full speed ahead!

When we came back to school from our Christmas Break, Franklin had left us a little surprise!

 The note reads:
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!  
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  We were all very busy here at the North Pole.  Santa Claus had us working hard to make sure all of the good girls and boys got the toys they wanted.
I wanted to write you a note and tell you how much fun I had in your classroom!  I always loved seeing each of you everyday.  I hope Miss Leming isn't too mad at me for playing my little tricks on you...tell her I didn't mean any harm, I just wanted everyone to have a little fun!  I am going to miss being in your class everyday.  But, don't worry, Santa already said that I can come back next year!  Yippee!  Until then, I will be busy making new toys for next Christmas.
Once all of the toys were made here at the North Pole, I had some extra time to make some stuff especially for your class.  Here is some sports equipment for you to play with during recess (only if you're good, and Miss Leming allows you to use it)!  I hope you have fun using these things - I worked very hard on them!
I wish you all a wonderful year in 2012.  All of the elves here are having fun sharing our stories from 2011 - and we are excited to have more fun in 2012!
Always work hard at school, and you will grow very smart.  I am proud of you all!
Keep up your good work!
See you again soon!

Your friend,

The kids have asked about Franklin every day since we have been back at school; they really miss him...
"What is Franklin's whole long name?"
"Where does Franklin live now?"
"Can Franklin hear me if I talk to him?"

What we are learning in 1st Grade:
-article adjectives (a, an) and when to use them 
-synonyms and antonyms
-money - value of coins
-sequence of events writing
-we still love our frogs!

1st Grade Funnies:
While we were on the playground one day, yes, on the playground due to the warm weather in January, one of my girls came up to me with a cricket in her hand.
With big eyes and panic on her face, "Mih Lemon, we need to hurry up and get inside..."
"Why, what's wrong?!"
"He is starting to scratch my hand.  That means he wants out."
"What is starting to scratch your hand?!"
"A cricket, Mih Lemon, a cricket!  Ah!"

We had bananas for our snack one day, and somehow our class got into a conversation about monkeys.  The kids had seen monkeys at the zoo when they were in Kindergarten, so they had lots of stories to share with me...
"Mih Lemon, my auntie saw a monkey peel a banana upside down when she went to the jungle!"
"The jungle?  Wow!  Which jungle did she visit?"
"You know, that's kinda like the zoo, I think, but it's a jungle."
"Oooh, right, that one!".......

I am glad to be back at school!  (I think the kids are, too.)  I really missed my little darlings.  
I am so thankful for a job that I love!  :)